Friday, April 27, 2012

Sleep - Day 10

Have you ever had trouble sleeping? You fall asleep only to wake up an hour later and not be able to fall back asleep. You lay down and your mind is racing with things on your mental to do list and you just can't fall asleep. You exercise during the day to wear yourself out and you cut out all caffeine in hopes it will help you fall asleep and stay asleep.

It is the little things in life that I have found that I took for granted... like sleeping. For many years the ability to sleep and stay asleep was not a problem for me. When I was growing up our backyard was normal size yard with a fence. The only difference was on the other side of the fence was train tracks. So I learned at a young age to sleep through anything including the loud choo choo train as it roared past my parents house.

For the last several years I find that falling asleep and/or staying asleep is something I can no longer do. If I get two or three hours of sleep, inlcuding waking up and falling back asleep, I consider it a Grrreeeeaaatttt (in my best Tony the Tiger voice) night. I don't know if my lack of sleep is related to my hysterectomy several years ago or any of my other health issues but sleep is something that I took for granted.

A friend once said that she learned to have pen and paper next to her bed along with a standing cross. When she went to bed she would write down what was on her mind and pray for a restful night and leave her cares/worries under the cross. If she woke up before her alarm she would write down what was on her mind and pray and leave it at the cross. She promised it would not be easy at first but I would soon see that leaving my cares/worries in God's hands not only would He handle them if I put my faith in Him but I should be able to sleep a little better. I will say that I am able to relax a little more but sleep still has not returned for me.

I would be very interested to hear from any of you if you have a problem sleeping and what has or has not worked for you. You can leave me a comment down below or if you prefer message me on Facebook.

"Cast your cares upon the Lord
and he will sustain you;" Psalm 55:22 NIV

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