Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Planting Seeds - Day 3

I am so very thankful for this journey that I am on, even though currently it has been confined to the 2500+ square feet I call home, I am still so very thankful. I thank those of you that have reached out to me and appreciate all of your support.

Since I posted Day 2, I have had one of my moms friends reach out to me and let me know some things about my mom that I didn't know. Extended family that has shown me the true meaning of family by living and modeling honest living. A shared quiet moment of relief tears with a family member when we realized the true reason we were digging for the truth. The love being shown by my church. Doors opening that I thought would NEVER open (more to be shared as I walk through the doors) and a phone call with a friend who made me laugh so hard my stomach and face hurt for hours.

Yesterday, I did just what I said I was going to do in my previous post. I gave the trash men cold bottled water and thanked them for the job that they do and they were so thankful. It made me stop and think how many people are in the world day in and day out doing jobs that we take for granted. What would happen if we had to dispose of our own trash? What would happen if there was no dump for the trash? Just my thoughts... on a job and people that I have taken for granted.

On to my next thought...Have you ever heard someone say you reap what you sow or plant a seed and watch it grow? I have had to learn to sit back and to be patient, be still, and wait on God. To learn to plant seeds of God's word in truth and love and watch it grow.

Speaking of planting seeds... My husband gave me roses on Valentine's Day and after they died I planted them in a pot in hopes they would come back alive. I watched them daily, watered them and cut back leaves.... and today..... two months later, they are blooming.

"Very truly I tell you, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds." John 12:24 NIV

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