Friday, March 22, 2013


A week ago a friend challenged me to get uncomfortable in my life and write a blog post about it. I explained that I only write when I feel led to do so. She encouraged me to write anyway. So I accepted the challenge and thought how hard can this be. Boy, I was not prepared for what would happen over the next week. 

When I started thinking about the word uncomfortable the following situations came to mind.
  • That feeling of eating too much at Thanksgiving and your pants are too tight.
  • Gaining too much weight and not being able to fit in your clothes.
  • This one is for us ladies: You are in a hurry to go to the beach/pool with the kids that you forget you haven't shaved your legs in a couple days and then you run into practically everyone you know. (Yes, I have done that.)
Then I thought about the word comfortable and the following situations came to mind.
  • When you are in a relationship and you stop wearing make-up 24 hours a day, let your hair down and are comfortable in the sweat pants instead of the jeans and heels.
  • You have no problem eating a good meal and enjoying dessert instead of having a salad and water all the time.
On Monday, I realized I had not done anything yet to get uncomfortable. I had been praying for God to make me uncomfortable but it wasn't time. I would pick up my pen to write but it just wasn't right.

Then I realized that I had spent the last few months becoming comfortable. God delivered me some big blessings last year through Doctors, family and stepping out in faith. I was able to start getting back on my feet again but I also became comfortable... too comfortable. I wasn't spending as much quality time with God as I used to.

So, I tried to think about what I could do to get uncomfortable. Not just a little uncomfortable but all around uncomfortable in my life. I just could not come up with anything. Then this past Sunday at church I ran into the son of my mother's best friend. I talked to him and his wife and gave them my number to pass along to his mom. I know you are asking how is that uncomfortable. My answer, the unknown... will she call? It has been over 23 years since I have seen or talked to her.

Next, I decided that I was going to take off these last 20 pounds and start exercising. Exercising...hmmm, that word and I don't get along. Yep, it is going to be uncomfortable. There, I thought I have found my uncomfortable. Wrong!!

These things were uncomfortable but it wasn't really uncomfortable.

I decided on Tuesday to reach out to a group of ladies in my Bible study group and offer them a challenge to get uncomfortable. To really be intentional about spending time in God's word each day. Not just a few minutes reading and then out the door. I mean really being intentional. We are intentional about eating, dressing and watching television for hours on end. Why not get intentional about spending time with God and really digging deep into His word. These ladies blessed my socks off with their responses.

Then, the really uncomfortable hit a few hours later on Tuesday night when we had no choice but to ask one of our children to leave home. One of the hardest things to do as a parent is to tell one of your children to leave your home. I leaned on God and good friends as we went through the last few days. It was the hardest thing to do. We as parents love our children and want the best for them but sometimes you have to draw a line of what is acceptable and what is not. We have to lean on God and trust that He knows what is best. In the good times and the bad times. Sometimes God has a plan and has to move pieces of the puzzle to make it all fit. 

So, I am back to the drawing board, a lot stronger and ready to get back on my journey that I started over a year ago. A journey to get back on my feet and allow God to take the wheel and lead me. I am ready for the Uncomfortable and  I am Ready To Fly.

Ready To Fly by FFH 

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