How do you trust God when you have never trusted anyone? How do you put your faith in something not seen when things seen have failed you?
Let me tell you how I did it! AND it WORKED!!
This week started out good and has since turned crazy and without God I would have been heavily medicated at this point. Wait, wait, wait...that's not true either. Me? Heavily medicated? I don't do medications so I would not have been medicated I just would have been a complete nervous wreck.
It started Tuesday with the word DENTIST. To some that word means nothing BUT to me it is one of the scarriest words in the English language.
I made this appointment a month ago and knew it was coming up but tried not to think about it. I couldn't sleep Monday night and prayed for God to take away my anxious feelings. When I finally fell asleep I slept good... until I woke up by the grumbling of my stomach. Maybe it was a case of nerves or the fruit smoothies I am drinking but oh my goodness how could I face the day when I couldn't leave the bathroom. You would have thought I had been given a prep for surgery or something. (Sorry, I know T.M.I.)
I wanted to reach out and ask for prayer but fear over came me and the thoughts of what people would think of me stomped on that thought. I could not think of a verse or a song to sing. My mind was consumed with this appointment. This was a new Dentist and... ugh... I just can't put into words what I was feeling. I realized when I asked God to help that the reason I was afraid of asking for prayer is because old smut face doesn't want us to reach out. He wants us to stay in bondage to our fears.
So I put my fingers to work and started texting that I needed prayer. I only reached out to one person because I still felt a little vulnerable and silly for asking for prayer to go to the Dentist.
My daughter drove me to the Dentist office and on the way all I could say to myself was something along the lines of God please help me, please give me peace. I don't know how to trust you and I don't trust you please help me trust you.
As soon as I walked in my Dentist office it was so quiet peaceful and an overall relaxing. Relaxing? A Dentist office? You got to be kidding me! Where is the sound of drilling and the buuuuzzzzzzing of dental instruments and saliva suctioning machines.
When I sat down I looked for the magazines, something to keep me busy, and there sat the Holy Bible. Ahhhh, God you are here with me. Thank you for guiding me to this Dentist. Thank you for the peace I am feeling. I still don't trust you completely but I am trying.
As I looked around the office not one tabloid magazine was found. Only history, golf and childrens magazines and the Holy Bible.
Once I was called back and talked to my new Dentist I realized the reason for my calmness. My Dentist was a Christian and relied on God. YAY!!!!
Before my appointment was over I was told of work that needed to be done but in order to do that I would need to talk to my Cardiologist first. ......S C R E E C H...... everything came to a STOP.
Wait, what? Another car ride, vibrations, busy visual environment, Doctors....I know I am asking God for trust and to learn how to trust but OH MY!
You see I have a leaky valve in my heart...nothing major but something that is supposed to be monitored and welllllll....I haven't had it monitored for two years.
When I contacted my cardiologist Wednesday morning he wanted to see me then. Ugh! TODAY? Here we go again, I put my fingers to work again and asked for prayer. My appointment was scheduled and I had a little over an hour to get ready and his office was 30 miles away. Riding in a car with dizziness and a stomach that has been upset for three days, a headache and being physically and mentally exhausted....not in my strength was I going to be able to do this. My prayer warrior, my brother Trey, wrote me this when I said that I was emotionally and physically tired today..."Perfect - that way you know it's God. It will not have been done in your own strength."
I got down on my knees and prayed and talked to God, just as if I was talking to someone in the same room with me. I really didn't know what to say and according to my husband I am always politically correct in things I say. So I let down my guard, after all God knows the true me, and said something like this:
God , help me please. I am tired, I don't feel good.
I am trying. I need you
I know I need to get this done. Please help me.
Give me peace and YOUR strength.
My husband drove me to the Cardiologist office. Since I had last visited him he had moved his office to a new location and of course we took the interstate because it would be faster but ... the ride was different. I was calm, real calm, no PTSD kicking in, no anxiety, hardly any dizziness, very light to no ringing in my ears, no stomach ache and all I kept saying was Thank You God, in YOUR strength not mine.
When we arrived I became a little worried. OH MY! For me anything over one story throws my dizziness into a tailspin and also means I might need to ride an elevator. I am claustophobic and seen people get stuck in elevators before and it worries me. Maybe, just maybe his office is on the first floor.
Yeppers, you guessed it his office was not on the first floor or even the second floor so I needed to ride the elevator....My first thought was are you kidding me? My husband pointed to the stairs because he knows I don't do elevators and always take the stairs in any building but this time I said God help me. I looked at my husband and said nope taking the elevator. I wish I could have caught his expression it was priceless. I RODE THE ELEVATOR!
All this time I still continued to thank God. I felt normal like my old self...I so did not want the feeling to end.
My cardiologist came in and lectured me on not being there for two years and ordered an EKG to be done now. OH MY!
Then he ordered a series of tests and blood work for the next three days. OH MY! Are you kidding me? All because I went to the Dentist? Okay, I get it payback for not coming in every six months for my routine tests.
God I don't understand but I am trying to trust you. You know better than me you have already gone before and paved the way. I am trying to trust you.
All this time I hardly had any dizziness, no anxiety, no PTSD flare up, little to no ringing in my ears. There is only one explanation and that is God! I live with PTSD, dizziness, ringing in my ears and today I felt normal, peaceful.
Once we got home I didn't want the feeling to end so I suggested to my daughter that she take me to the produce stand while hubby laid down for a nap. Got in the car and we started down the road and it was making me sick. The visual environment was too stimulating, it was hot, my ears were ringing loud and I couldn't understand. All through the produce stand and the ride home I was sick. The difference? I was trying to do it in my own strength and not asking God for help. All my symptoms were back and I was in tears.
My friends, God is real...soooo real. I have experienced His grace, mercy and strength. He showed up right when I needed Him to show up today and when I truly trusted and relied on Him....HE was there! He doesn't promise that I will be healed but that I will be made new in Him. Thank you God for a wonderful day and I quote my brother again in what he told me at the start of today when I asked for prayer...which turned out to be
sooooo true!
..."Perfect - that way you know it's God.
It will not have been done in your own strength."
How can I pray for you today? Leave me a comment below.