Wednesday, December 18, 2013

My Birthday Wish

This time of year always brings out questions of what do I want for my birthday?


What do I want for Christmas?

As I thought about the answers to these questions this year I was reminded of a post by Ann Voskamp and something she did on her birthday and a sweet OBS sister Shelly did on her birthday... Be The Gift. (Give It Forward Today)

With my Birthday three days away from Christmas the month of December has always been filled with much happiness and joy. This year is still filled with happiness but from a fresh and different perspective. With many life transistions of kids growing up and moving out, my husband losing his job, the deaths of friends and friends loved ones, overall health and life challenges I am choosing to do something different this year.

This year with these two days fast approaching  I would love to challenge you with my Birthday Wish ....

Be The Gift
(Give It Forward Today)

If you are in a store leave some change in the candy machine to put a smile on a child's face as they find it.

By a stranger's food in a restaurant, drive thru, coffee shop or convenience store.

Pay for someone's gas...

Take some flowers, card, fruit, candy and pass out in a parking lot at a shopping center, to a neighbor or someone in a nursing home or hospital.

Bake or buy some goodies for co-workers, family, friends or neighbors.

Offer to Be The Gift by mowing someone's lawn, driving them some where, going to the store for them.

Call, text, e-mail or message someone and let them know you are thinking about them.
Give water to garbage men when they come to pick up your trash or the mailman when they deliver your mail.

My Wish is that you will not only Be A Gift but that you will Be A Light for someone this week that needs a little Christmas cheer. That you will makes someone's day a little brighter by intentionally Being The Gift. (Give It Forward Today)

Will you join me?

Will you Be The Gift to someone?

I am choosing to Be The Gift this year and hope that God's light will shine through me.

I would love for you to share with me here on my blog or on my Facebook page how you were the Gift to someone. I will be sharing on my Facebook page each day and will share in my blog next Thursday. Come join me!